On the Wings of Phoenix Rising:
A Journey from Ashes to Joy
by Yuan Miao
On the Wings of Phoenix Rising gives us an awe-inspiring glimpse into the delight of existence, the joy of the cosmos. Yuan Miao also reveals how, as a very small child, she almost unknowingly and even casually accepted her spiritual life mission directly from Guan Yin. Perhaps most sobering of all is to read first-hand the heart-breaking price she had to pay, over and over, for personal access to some of life’s deepest mysteries. Come with an empty vase and read this book for two important reasons. One is that you will never forget the story of this beautiful Chinese woman who had it all, lost it all, and found her true self in ways both surprisingly mystical and breathtakingly true. The second reason is more urgent: it is that just reading about her journey could forever change yours.
Phoenix Century Press • 2013 • 202 pages
Book design, cover design • Print and digital versions
Website: www.newcenturyfoundation.org
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